The new Second Edition of Version 5 of the Allen Cognitive Level Screen is available in a spiral-bound version. The ACL Screen is a theory, performance and evidence-based assessment associated with the Cognitive Disabilities Model (CDM). It is for use with people with known or suspected cognitive impairments that may impact safe and successful performance of everyday activities. The Screen provides a quick estimate of global functional cognitive capacity, including learning potential, and functional performance abilities that require that capacity. This estimate is inferred from observation of a person using the administrator's verbal and demonstrated directions to problem-solve, learn, and complete three visuospatial-motor stitching tasks of increasing cognitive complexity. Screen scores are criterion-referenced to the Allen Cognitive Scale of Levels and Modes of Performance and should be verified with additional functional cognitive assessments as part of a comprehensive evaluation. The ACL Screen is available in three forms: the standard Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACLS-5) for general use, the Large Allen Cognitive Level Screen (LACLS-5) for persons with vision or hand function problems, and the Disposable LACLS (LACLS[D]-5) for persons with whom infection control is required. The Screen is untimed and takes approximately 15-30 minutes to administer.