Acupuncture - SEIRIN J-ProPak Acupuncture Needles, Size 3 (0.20mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles : The SEIRIN J-ProPak needles are made from the highest quality stainless steel and feature a lightweight, comfort grip, 0.20 x 30 mm plastic handle that is color-coded for easy gauge identification. The J-ProPak features an easy-open multi-pack, that allows for easy access to 10 needles at a time. These user-friendly acupuncture needles are gentle, painless, and stress-free. This blister pack also converts into a functional dispenser that can rest on a treatment tray or other surface, keeping the needles sterile and easily accessible during treatment. Each blister pack contains 10 plastic handle needles and one polypropylene guide tube. Box of 100.