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G5 Massager-Percussors

  • G5 Therassist Percusser, 3 prong plug, 220V

    G5 Therassist Percusser, 3 prong plug, 220V

    Percussors - G5 Therassist Percusser, 3 prong plug, 220V : Speed ranges 15 to 60 CPS. Ideal for stress reduction, myofacial release, sports rehabilitation, postural drainage. Complete with caster stand and tray. Can be used table-top or wall-mounted...

  • G5 GBM percussor

    G5 GBM percussor

    Percussors - G5 GBM percussor : Portable hand-held massager. Penetrating massage using frequencies 15 to 55 CPS. Ideal for light duty clinics and home. Includes PRO-PORT PKG applicators.
